“Governor” Katie Hobbs (D. Arizona) requested in a court filing last week that Kari Lake’s lawsuit for election be dismissed. Hobbs claimed that Lake had failed to prove that Arizona voters were not disenfranchised during the 2022 elections.
The filing states that Lake, despite seven witnesses, hundreds upon declarants, and thousands upon pages of exhibits, failed to show any violations of Arizona law.
However, Lake’s team stated Monday that additional evidence was on its way and could prove to be pivotal.
“Yesterday @katiehobbs applied to have our lawsuit thrown out,” Kari Lake Warroom account tweeted. Today, records showed that nearly 25 million ballots were rejected in Maricopa County on Election Day. This was in a race with just 17K votes. She knows she is illegitimate. We will have more evidence.”
The Arizona Senate Elections Committee was informed by Shelby Busch, Vice Chair of the Maricopa County Republican Committee.
“We received the system log files of the tabulators used in Maricopa County Election Day just weeks ago, January 2023,” Busch explained. Busch explained that we were able, through an analysis to find out that 25% of the ballot feeds [were] misread[ by those tabulators.” “There are about two tabulators at every polling center, which means that there were 446 tabulators who failed to register 25% of the attempted voters.”
This is not the only shocking discovery. Lake’s team claims that up to 40,000 ballots were illegally tallied because signatures weren’t matching.
The show trial, which took place in December, saw Stephen Richer, Maricopa County Recordser, testify that polling stations did not count the votes cast. This was against state law. It is extremely suspicious that the county failed to count the votes at the polling stations. This was despite the fact that the county claimed that the number of votes had mysteriously increased by almost 25,000 in the days following Election Day. This number is more than Hobbs’ 17,000 vote victory. Lake’s team discovered that Maricopa County ballots were printed on the wrong size paper, rendering them inaccessible to the ballot tabulators.