My son was forced to leave the Navy because of nonsensical commands and political toadies who were more interested in climbing the ladder than doing the right things. He left the Navy before the pandemic and the Pentagon’s requirement that all service members submit to and take the COVID-19 jab. He has known former members of his team who chose to retire rather than undergo an experimental vaccine that wasn’t actually a vaccine. Others were not so lucky.
The tip of the spear of American power, the most healthy of men and women, were forced to leave. Some refused to submit to the COVID “jab” because it was experimental. Others had already been diagnosed with COVID and naturally had immunity. The DoD demanded that all service personnel submit to the COVID “jab” or they would be fired. The bonuses received by those who were fired did not qualify them for retirement. Some of these bonuses are very substantial. The bonus amount for “S.O.” bonuses is five figures.
When I talked to him about it, my colleague gave me some insight:
The government can recoup any enlistment bonuses if you don’t fulfill your contract term. Failure to graduate from a service academy will result in you being liable for the costs of your education.
The bonuses are paid in increments according to the length of the contract. You get 1/4 on your enlistment, and the rest on the anniversary of your contract.
Yes, service members sign contracts. The terms of the contract govern how the bonuses are paid. The DoD can claw back any bonus money if a service member is “fired” for having COVID, recovering but not wanting the shot, or other reasons as described above. Is it fair? It doesn’t.
Nearly 8400 service personnel were fired because they refused to take the COVID-19 vaccination. The Pentagon now demands that soldiers who were terminated pay their bonuses.
One soldier who was fired described it as a “kick in his face.”
Fox News reports:
A soldier signed a six-year contract with the Army and was awarded a $7,000 bonus. The military informed him that he owed $4,000. To pay the debt, he had to “sell” 60 vacation days he didn’t use to make up the difference.
The soldier spoke of the clawback.
“I have deployed many times and feel like the last thing that I had was the ability to sell leave days that were earned but was never able to take because I was deployed or needed to prepare for the training cycle. ” “I was about to move to a new place with no income.” “That extra bit would have been a good buffer in my emergency fund to help me get through until I found new employment.”
Does the Pentagon have the right to do such things? It can. Contractually, DoD has the right to recover the bonus monies. The Pentagon has stopped mandating COVID shots and the Secretary of Defense signed a memorandum removing letters of reprimand from service records of those who asked for exemptions from the “jab”. It is now possible to remove the clawback.
While Republican lawmakers pressured DoD to pay “back pay” for service members who were fired, the Pentagon said that it was not pursuing this issue.
This appears to be a “FAFO” for the fired service personnel. Although the Pentagon does not have to pursue clawbacks it should. This seems to be a bit of vengeance against those who wanted to serve their country but refused to submit to being guinea pigs.
This last act of vengeance can be attributed to General Milley, Secretary Austin.