Oklahoma man accused of pretending to be psychic in order to lure his daughter’s friend inside his car and rape her. Then, he demanded that she send him nude photos.
According to victim S.S. (in police reports), Andrew Burns, 36, was the father of one of her friends and had raped her three times. Particularly disturbing is the story S.S. related to Burns’ interactions with her.
S.S. was in Jay, Oklahoma about 90 miles east of Tulsa for a sleepover. Both girls were eleven years old at that time. S.S. was sent a bizarre text message by “Casey” while she was there. According to the affidavit, Casey claimed that he was a psychic and warned S.S. she would be “hurt or killed” if she didn’t “make out with or have sex” with Burns. Burns allegedly then entered the room and claimed that he had received similar messages. He was sympathetic and instructed S.S. that he would sleep on the couch the next night. She agreed.
According to the report, Burns woke the girl that night and dragged her to his car. It was outside. Burns then allegedly began to rape the girl digitally. She claimed that he instead of raping her orally after she complained about the pain. S.S. was lying and claimed that E.B. had raped him. According to the affidavit, he was looking through the window. “Casey,” a text message to her was sent the next day by him, informing her that Burns’ memory had been erased.
S.S. claims that a similar rape took place later in the summer when went back to E.B.’s house for another sleepover. S.S. was again contacted by a psychic and Burns coaxed her to his car. Burns then allegedly raped S.S. orally and digitally.
The third rape, which was allegedly committed in August, was also the most brutal. S.S. claims that Burns took her to E.B. To be alone, they arrived at’s birthday party a little over an hour early. In E.B. Burns then allegedly forced S.S. into a room in E.B. The affidavit stated that Burns then removed his clothes and laid S.S. on the bed. S.S. recalls that Burns had put his hand over her mouth, and she started to cry because she couldn’t breathe. Burns moaned, and she fell asleep. She said that she woke up completely clothed.
S.S. claimed that Burns had called her repeatedly using different numbers, and demanded she sends him nude pictures of herself. He promised her that she would not be raped if she sent him the photos. He demanded photos of her naked body, but she kept her face hidden. She claimed that he would show her grandparents the photos if she didn’t.
S.S.’s mutual friend and E.B.’s other friend also confirmed that she had seen “weird” text messages. According to the affidavit, another mutual friend of S.S. and E.B. confirmed that she had seen “weird text messages” and that Burns was “forcefully doing things.” E.B. had also received messages about getting S.S. drunk. However, these messages were not sexual.
Burns denied the accusations when he was confronted later in the month. The police seized Burns’ phone and found several images including nude photos that the girl had sent. They also found a photo of Burns’ naked genitals.
Burns was taken into custody on Friday. He was charged with first-degree rape and forcible sodomy. He was taken to Delaware County Jail and released after posting the $100,000 bond. It is not known when he will next appear in court.