Governor. Ron DeSantis (Republican from Florida) stated that his administration would investigate ways to hold COVID-19 vaccine makers responsible for making false claims about their products. He specifically mentioned the potential cardiac side effects of the vaccine and stated that Florida would be leading the way in addressing this issue. DeSantis presided over a COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Accountability Roundtable on Tuesday and showed Florida the actions it will take.
DeSantis and the panel pointed out that the federal mandates of the medical boards and legacy media supported by Big Pharma allowed vaccine manufacturers to make a profit from mRNA technology. The governor stated that many false statements about vaccines were made during their rollout. DeSantis referred to the claims that widespread vaccination would eliminate COVID. He also stated that vaccines would prevent transmission. He stated that people want truth and accountability. Therefore, it is important to conduct an investigation into the events surrounding these shots.
“We need more data to be able to better assess what really happened. DeSantis stated that we do not have comprehensive data on the patient from the pharmaceutical industry. This makes it difficult for independent researchers and investigators to verify the integrity of these shots.
Dr. Joseph Fraiman, a member of the Florida Public Health Integrity Committee, interrupted the discussion and said that he had difficulty accessing patient-level information about vaccines during clinical trials. He said that Moderna and Pfizer had sent an open letter asking for the data to be released to them. DeSantis replied, “Well, maybe, with what we’re doing today, they’ll be able get the data whether or not they want it.”
He said, “In Florida it is against law to mislead or misrepresent, especially when you are talking regarding the efficacy and safety of a drug.” Florida recently received $3.2 billion in legal action against the opioid crisis leaders. This is not an unprecedented situation.
DeSantis announced that a petition would be submitted to Florida’s Supreme Court in order to create a grand jury for the state to investigate any wrongdoing regarding COVID-19 vaccines. The governor expressed his confidence in the approval of the petition. He said that the petition would give legal tools to obtain additional information, and allow for legal accountability for any misconduct.
The second announcement was made by Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Florida’s Surgeon General. He cited a German study which performed autopsies on people who died suddenly within a certain time frame after receiving the vaccine. A few of these individuals had subclinical or atypical myocarditis. Researchers attributed the disease to the vaccine. These individuals were not diagnosed with myocarditis and died at home. Florida will conduct a surveillance study in order to document and identify individuals who have suffered from this side effect of the vaccine.
DeSantis also announced that Florida would continue to maintain a functioning public health system. DeSantis pointed out the corruption in the system’s response to George Floyd riots. Open states such as Florida were criticized for keeping their beaches open. However, more than 1,000 public health experts said that the gathering of protestors was more important to COVID lockdown. Floyd’s death was the only exception. You were trying to kill grandma if you went to golf. This was absurd.
Desantis stated that “And our CDC at this point, any they put out… you just assume at the moment it isn’t worth the paper it was printed on.” It’s not fulfilling a useful function. It serves to advance narratives, rather than evidence-based medicine.” Ladapo will convene an independent panel to examine public health guidance on different issues to combat politicization.
The Public Health Integrity Committee of Florida will make recommendations and provide guidance on public health. It will also offer critical evaluations of the data provided by the FDA and CDC. DeSantis shared his plans to form this panel with other governors, and suggested that other states might follow his lead.
His plan is just one example of many that Congress should examine to create systems to control the NIH and FDA. COVID exposed the conflicts of interest and politicization in the healthcare system. These agencies have lost their credibility and must be fixed before the next public emergency.