After Fatal Shootings, Florida Sheriff Billy Woods Criticizes Media and Democratic Gun Control Views

Three teenagers were killed last week in Marion County in Florida. The victims were believed to be gang-related offenses. One of the perpetrators is 12 years old.

Friday morning saw Sheriff Billy Woods confirm that two of the suspects had been arrested, Christopher Atkins (12 years old) and Robert Robinson (17 years old). After allegedly confessing to at least one murder, they are facing first-degree murder charges.

A somber-looking Woods addressed the media during the press conference and sought to address what would undoubtedly be a hot topic in the press: gun control and punishment for alleged murderers.

Woods did not mince words:

“There are people out there watching, including some media, who want the gun to be blamed for the crime. These people committed the crime. What’s the solution to this crime? This world would be so much better if I could tell you the answer. Society fails to do this, however. Our juveniles are not held accountable. Woods stated that we minimize their actions. “…School districts across the country and in the state need to stop minimizing the actions taken by their students. They must be held accountable. This is where the failure lies.


Woods answered a reporter’s question about how the suspects got their guns. Woods replied that the guns had been stolen in a burglary and then addressed another reporter in the crowd. He stated in no uncertain terms, that it was unlikely that more gun laws would have prevented the tragic deaths of the three teens.

He correctly stated that “The bad guy is going to get a gun regardless of what law you have in place.”


Inconvenient truths will always be what they are. No amount of spin by the gun control crowd on both the left and in the media is going to change this. Woods is a great example of being unafraid and open to speaking them in a time when Democrats’ shame and blame games following violent crimes involving guns are at a fever pitch.