On Tuesday, a passenger from the world’s biggest cruise ship sailing for Royal Caribbean fell overboard.
A spokesperson for Royal Caribbean said that the passenger fell overboard during a seven-day cruise from Port Canaveral in Florida on Tuesday.
A spokesperson from the cruise said that the crew of the ship immediately started a search-and-rescue operation, and are working with the local authorities.
The spokesperson stated that “out of respect for the families, we will not disclose any further details regarding this unfortunate incident.”
A video shared on TikTok by cruise passengers shows a boat rescue near the ship trying to find the passenger who fell overboard.
“We have a report that a man has fallen overboard. We have slowed down the ship. We are returning to our original position. “We will begin a search-and-rescue operation,” an employee is heard on the cruise ship’s public address system.
On July 31, a passenger fell overboard during a Royal Caribbean cruise en route from Miami to Singapore.
Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre Singapore (MRCC Singapore) was informed around 7:50 a.m. of a passenger who had gone overboard on the Spectrum of the Seas cruise ship in the Singapore Strait.
Royal Caribbean’s spokesperson said at the time that “our Care Team offers assistance and support to family members.” “We cannot share any additional information because we respect the privacy of the guest and the family.”