The disinformation governance board of Biden’s regime was a sinister concept from the beginning. Alarm bells were raised because they were not entirely transparent about the purpose of the board.
Citizens United, a patriotic organization, requested Jankowicz’s emails under the Freedom of Information Act. Citizens United, a patriotic group, recently requested emails between Jankowicz (and her staff) under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). However, Citizens United received it so heavily redacted, that it was nearly inoperable.
Just the News reported Tuesday that Mayorkas made bland assurances when the purpose and existence of the Disinformation Governance board was first revealed. Mayorkas claimed there was nothing to hide, and that the authoritarian and Orwellian board was built on “best practices.” You’ll be shocked and shocked to learn that the mayorkas’ department refused to let Americans see the majority of the legal justifications and talking points that it used to defend the Board against blowback. FOIA documents revealed that. ”
Citizens United received over 100 pages of Jankowicz’s internal communications with her employees. The majority of the information contained white boxes. This is because DHS underestimated the impact the board would have on the country and wanted to avoid the negative news being spread by hostile media outlets. This is understandable. They live in the Beltway, and nearly everyone hates freedom speech.
Jankowicz warned her employees on April 27, 2022 that she was receiving blowback. Is this true?
But, Fox allegedly destroyed her life before she could answer questions about the actual actions. Just the News reported that some communications show the board’s responses to direct questions from Sens. Josh Hawley (Republican/Mo. Ron Johnson (R.Wisc.). Ron Johnson (R.Wisc.) Another question was about what DHS parts would be responsible to monitor and collect misinformation data, and what DHS plans to do to counter it.
Citizens United President David Bossie commented that Joe Biden’s Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board (“DGB”) was the latest example where the left is trying to use federal power for political ends.
The IRS and ATF took steps to attack those who criticize the regime over the last few days. It took too long to label parents “domestic terrorists” for protesting against far-Left agendas being forced upon primary school children.
We have seen the presumptive president seem to be happy after the Nashville massacre. He likely realized that the Nashville massacre could be used to disarm law-abiding Americans. However, the secrecy surrounding the board continues to be alarming.