Trump’s Triumph in New Hampshire Primary with Unprecedented Victory Surge

Donald Trump won New Hampshire’s Republican Party primaries with a landslide.

DecisionDesk Headquarters called the race around 8 pm. ET, with an estimated 19% reporting. Haley was in second place, with 43.8% of the votes.

It was not easy to predict the outcome, but it was expected. Trump had an estimated 10-point lead before Ron DeSantis dropped out. In December, the polls showed that she was much closer.

Haley’s campaign was betting on a strong performance in Iowa, but she ended up third. She needed to win New Hampshire or even come in second place for her campaign to continue. If Trump maintains at least 55%, it is a landslide win.

Nikki Haley has no chance of winning. It’s time to rally behind Trump and defeat the radical left this November. The left is afraid of losing in 2024 and will do anything to keep the White House.

Currently, there is no winner of the Democratic primaries.