Nearly 3 months ago, Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren led the charge to unveil records related to presidential rival and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace. Now she’s gone radio-silent regarding the allegations of sexual assault against Biden.
“I’d like to talk more about who we’re running against. A billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians. I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.” Warren called out the billionaire businessman on the Las Vegas Debate stage. She called him out for signing NDAs with former female employees of his who said they felt uncomfortable in the workplace.
Warren went on to accuse Bloomberg of “muzzling” women from sharing their stories. She continued to push him to release all of the women from non-disclosure agreements so that the people could hear their side of the story. Bloomberg offered a cold and sleazy response indicating that there were very few non-disclosure agreements between the two parties.
Warren didn’t let the issue go. She continued to badger him to release them from the agreement on television. He declined to void the agreements but did so two days later.
Fast forward to May and Biden’s former staff assistant Tara Reade came public with rape allegations. She had approached close family and friends with this claim of misconduct. She had filed a formal complaint with Biden’s Senate Office over the alleged incident which arguably led to her termination on Capitol Hill. Several have come forward to corroborate Reade’s timeline of events.
Warren’s prior advocacy to unveil records related to allegations of misconduct were also lodged against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh throughout his confirmation proceedings. One year later, Warren is still calling for the Supreme Court justice’s impeachment.
Warren’s hypocrisy couldn’t be any more clear. Tara Reade even said she approached the Massachusetts senator before bringing her claims public but never received a response. The supposed champion for “believing all women” has gone silent once again. Shocker.
The double standards are proof that Democrats have no standards at all. Treating an accusation based on the politics of the person is no longer a surprise. Biden has sexual assault cases, Booker has groped, the Democrat Governor of Virginia has two rape accusations against him, the list goes on. The media covers none of this. It is the true “dirtbag” party that also gave Bill Clinton a pass.
Warren is for Warren and no one else. She’s probably kept quiet because she wants the VP slot. If feminists like Warren believe “all women” then they’d also believe Tara Reade and demand an FBI investigation in front of live TV cameras. Good luck Warren.