Target Breaks Barriers with Holiday Hire of Transgender Activist

There is an old saying about the definition of insanity: Keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. The folks at Bud Light seemed to have gotten the message from their customers, and have gone back to just trying to sell beer, with a bit of patriotism thrown in for good measure.

Target appears to be doing business as usual. Target’s customers did not feel that the backlash they received in June, during Pride Month, over the “tuck-friendly swimwear” for children was enough to convince them that it was inappropriate to market the transgender agenda. Target has returned just in time for Christmas to insult their Christian customers. A new marketing hire is adamant that they will accept and like the pride-themed merchandise.

Erik Thompson is the newest member of Target’s team. Thompson, who goes by “Gay cruella” on social networks, has been hired to be the “Senior LGBTQIA+ segmentation strategist and pride lead.” Thompson was hired as a diversity hire after spending ten years at Target. The fact that his LinkedIn profile has been wiped shows how Target has had LGBT issues on its radar for some time. The bio reads, “Led Target’s 2019 Pride Business & Inclusivity strategy to better serve guests through diverse and inclusivity collection offering & remain a loyal and industry-leading leader in the total Pride+ market. Establishing brand love and credibility for Total Target.”

Thompson, on the other hand, is not hiding his personal agenda. It seems to be in line with Target’s. In one social media post, Thompson stated “I Want To Make Art, Artie.” “Target Corporate Headquarters” was tagged in the post, “And I Want to Make Trouble.” This gem was also released.

It’s time to grab the Glitter and Hellfire flamethrowers, darlings. Let’s rip this old world apart. Let’s flip the script and rewrite this narrative. This time, for “ALL Humans and ALL Hearts.”

Thompson might get what he wants and cause all sorts of trouble but not in the way Target wanted. Target reported in August that its quarterly sales fell for the first six-year period by 5.4 percent. Vice President John Hulbert blamed the sales slump on theft. He said that Target thefts had increased by 120 percent during the first five months of 2023. Target CEO Brian Cornell admitted that there was a “negative reaction” from guests to the pride collection during an interview with CNBC.

Cornell admitted that he made “emergency phone calls” after the stock price fell. He instructed senior managers to be more lenient with transgender products. Target has been a little under the radar. Nothing says Christmas quite like pride and transgender merchandise. Target is launching seasonal products this year such as Pride-themed Nutcrackers and a Santa Claus statuette wearing a Pride shirt. One of the more tame woke products is a black Santa Claus in a wheelchair.

Target wants all customers to feel welcome. What about Christians who take Christmas and its message seriously? Erik Thompson’s gift to Target could cause more sales to fall during the busiest season of the year. “Happy Holidays” Target.