“Not On My Watch”

There has been growing speculation that Mount Rushmore, the monument honoring U.S presidents, may be targeted for destruction.  As statues honoring America’s founding fathers continue to fall this week, far-left activists have been called for the blasting of Mount Rushmore. This isn’t anything new though. They’ve been targeting this particular monument for years now. The deadly violence in Charlottesville in...

Trump Called It

If we look back at August 2017 we can see President Trump mocking that statue destroyers of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee would move on to statues of former presidents and founding fathers such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Major media outlets accused President Trump of such inappropriate and ridiculous comments. They said his comparisons are dumb and...

The Lawless Cities Up For Grabs

As protests, destruction, and chaos continue, so does the skyrocketing numbers of murders per day. In the Democrat cities, we are seeing police pulling back from fear and mayors dissembling criminal units across the board.  New York City, for example, just dissembled their undercover anti-crime units. Since that, murders have been up 358%, according to NBC New York. From just...

Is It Still The Summer Of Love?

Two men were recently shot dead in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. The Seattle Police Department then confirmed that there was a shooting inside CHAZ early Saturday morning.  Ironically enough, people in the CHAZ called the Seattle police to report 3-5 gunshots around 2:30 a.m. People were seen fleeing from the murder scene in the Captiol Hill Organized Protest. Seattle...

Emojis, Nazi Symbols, & Silicon Valley

Corporate America has flung far-left to appease their detractors as usual. After several complains on Facebook that the simple red triangle used in Trump Ad Campaigns resembled a “Nazi concentration camp symbol,” the media pressed Facebook for a response and the company removed the post. This is just another example of Silicon Valley tech companies complying with requests that...

Every Liberal’s Greatest Fear

When the riot news starts to fade out, Dr. Fauci returns…and he fears that football season will succumb to a second wave of coronavirus.  As Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci was put onto the Trump Administration’s Coronavirus Task Force and, throughout the pandemic, has been at the forefront of dispensing best practices to people...

Are You Awake?

There’s not enough popcorn in the world for the upcoming debates between President Trump and former vice president Joe Biden. Biden has spoken out against Trump where he turned the tables on Trump, admonishing him to “wake up” and “get to work.” I think Sleepy Joe is getting tired of his nickname… “Mr. President, wake up. Get to work. There’s...

Testing The Death Star

Many have spoken out over Google’s recent threat against conservative site The Federalist with democratization from the Google Ads program over what was considered “policy violations.” One of those voices was Texas Senator Ted Cruz who has actively been against Silicon Valley social media companies for a while now and he didn’t take this recent censorship lightly. This all...

Most People Have Trouble Saying This…Not James Wood Though

Politicians have been working hard these last few weeks to respond to calls from the Black Lives Matter to “defund the police.”  A few days ago, the mayor of Albuquerque, NM, Tim Keller, announced a “first of its kind concept” for the city to incorporate a civilian public safety branch where social workers would respond to some 911 calls. Those...

Here’s How Dems Get Away With Anything

Here comes another celebrity blaming a Trump family member for all of their problems. The latest social media backlash and anger has been towards Howard Stern over his wearing of blackface and using the N-word during his career. He came over fire when old clips and photos of him wearing blackface re-emerged and sparked outrage on the internet.  Howard Stern...