David Garrow, a biographer who published an interview on Wednesday, said that former President Barack Obama wrote once about fantasizing about sexual relations with men.
Garrow, in an interview with Tablet magazine, said that the former president had written a letter at the time to his girlfriend in which he expressed his fantasies. Garrow said that the letter had been redacted, and it is now in Emory University’s possession.
Garrow said that the ex-girlfriend had provided a copy, but redacted a paragraph. She revealed to Tablet that the paragraph concerned “homosexuality.”
Garrow said in a Tablet interview that “Rising Star”, his 2017 biography on Obama, touched upon the rumored homosexuality dreams of Obama. Emory released a press statement saying that they had received these rare letters from Barack Obama. But this sensitive paragraph was not mentioned. It was not mentioned in any of the newspapers. Emory did not mention it.
Garrow explained later in the interview that she had emailed Harvey to tell him, “Go to the Emory Archives.” He has spent his entire life at Emory but they will not let him take photos. Harvey must sit with a pencil in hand and copy the graph that Barack wrote to Alex, where he describes his repeated fantasies of making love to males.
In 1992, Obama married Michelle Obama, the former First Lady of the United States.
Obama has not responded to our comment request.