The mainstream cable networks have failed to report major sexual harassment allegations against Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The news came to light last weekend when Lindsey Boylan, a former Cuomo aide, spoke out about her ex-boss sexually harassing her for years. The media went radio-silent. Where is the #MeToo movement when you need them?
Lindsey Boylan served under Cuomo’s administration as deputy secretary for economic development and special advisor from March 2015 – October 2018. She resigned amid scrutiny of her own workplace conduct and is currently running as a Democratic candidate for Manhattan Borough president in the upcoming 2021 election. In a series of tweets, Boylan talked about the claims against her ex-boss and the fears of sexual harassment at work.
“I’m angry to be put in this situation at all. That because I am a woman, I can work hard my whole life to better myself and help others and yet still fall victim as countless women over generations have. Mostly silently. I hate that some men, like @NYGovCuomo abuse their power,” she tweeted.
Fox News ran a report on the story the very next day, but CBS, NBC, and ABC all avoided the accusations against the governor. People tweeted out to Boylan sharing their support and hoping that people aren’t blinded by their “superficial fandom” for him. Others asked why liberal politicians seem to get away with allegations while Republicans are slammed for each and every rumor, whether it is credible or not.
“Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, and Andrew Cuomo. There needs to be a serious conversation on why the liberal class keeps propping up old white sex pests and how they get away with it for so long,” one user tweeted.
This isn’t the first time Boylan spoke out about Cuomo’s “work environment.” She called her waitressing job an infinitely more respectful environment and said that more people would be sharing the same stories about Cuomo if they weren’t so deathly afraid of him.
Boylan shared that she has no interest in tweeting specific details on the allegations, which led users to argue that evidence is required. This is the classic #MeToo double standard. Evidence is only required when the accused is a Democrat.
Tara Reade, a woman who spoke out earlier this year about sexual allegations against Joe Biden, had evidence and key eyewitnesses, yet STILL received zero air time to talk about her story. The #MeToo organization had provided a list of lawyers but refused to work with her.
While the left embraces the idea of “believing all victims,” they’ve also attacked Boylan for offering no further details. Would the left be so skeptical if this were a Republican politician?