Sen. Joe Manchin gathered members of his party to support the preservation of the 60-vote filibuster. He accused his fellow Democrats, instead of seeking a compromise, of choosing the “easy way out”.
Manchin, D.W.Va. Manchin, D.W.Va. stated that allowing one-party control of the Senate with a single majority will only fuel political whiplash that is tearing this country apart.
Manchin spoke just before the Senate was scheduled to vote on an electoral bill. But, Republicans are united against the bill and will filibuster.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., is expected to use the “nuclear option” to change the filibuster through party-line votes. Sen. Kyrsten Silene (D-Ariz.), and Manchin are against it.
Manchin said that they had changed the rules in the past.
Manchin said that he couldn’t be a part of the bill and suggested the Senate try to find a compromise.
Manchin stated that “we don’t need to modify the rules to make our case to the American people about voting rights.” “We could have made voting rights legislation an awaiting matter for today’s Senate. But this is critical. It will be crucial next week. Let us see. Keep trying. ”
Schumer claims it unfair that GOP-controlled states could pass electoral laws by simple majority votes. The Senate must come to a bipartisan agreement that includes 60% of its members.
He seems to have become increasingly frustrated with Sinema, Manchin. Schumer avoided a question about Tuesday’s primary Challenge to Sinema. He warned senators that they would be forced into a filibuster.