You should consider taking Excedrin for the headache this story will give you.
In Norway, a filmmaker is facing up to three years in jail for violating the country’s oppressive “hate speech” laws. Tonje Gjevjon, who is a lesbian, posted a message to Facebook in response to a trans activist who is a man but claims to be a “lesbian mother.” According to Rebel News, he also identifies as a “gaymer,” but I have no idea what that is.
Tonje Gjevjon, a lesbian filmmaker and actress, is under suspicion. On Nov. 17 she was informed that she was being investigated for a Facebook comment that said, “It’s almost as impossible for men for females to become lesbians as it is for them to get pregnant.” Men are men, no matter what sexual fetishes or desires they may have.”
This post was created in response to Christine Jentoft, a prominent Norwegian trans activist. Jentoft is a transgender biological male who identifies as a “lesbian mother” and “gaymer”. He previously accused Christina Ellingsen of making similar claims.
Gjevjon’s present predicament is part of a worrying trend in Europe that criminalizes expression, especially social media.
This dangerous dynamic must change. This dangerous dynamic must be changed.
It is also very cowardly of Biden’s administration not to say anything about Europe’s criminalization of speech, not just truthful speech. These measures were not condemned by the President of the United States. However, he seemed to support them and wish they could be implemented at a federal level.
This will continue until enough people protest it. They are grooming children, and it’s on the march.