The fake news platforms are looking to smear any Republican they can this year. The latest target has been U.S Senate candidate John James. He was the Republican candidate for the 2018 United States Senate election but lost to Democratic nominee Debbie Stabenow.
James is back at it again taking on Michigan’s Democratic Sen. Gary Peters, which has tightened the polls into an incredibly competitive race this year. While James has a fundraising advantage, Peters has the media. Over the last few days, a highly misleading clip from a recent interview has been used as a smear campaign against James.
“WATCH: John James completely fumbles on @Local4News when pressed on how he’d protect Michiganders with pre-existing conditions. (Hint: it’s because he has absolutely no plan to do so) #MISen It is a 46-second clip in which James is asked about healthcare protections for people with pre-existing conditions,” Michigan Democratic Party spokesperson Elena Kuhn tweeted.
It was a 46-second clip of James answering a question from a local reporter. He was beginning to answer the question when the video cuts off. The video went viral after CNN White House correspondent John Harwood retweeted it with the caption “revealing.” Is there ever misinformation about Republicans that Harwood doesn’t amplify?
The tweet went viral after more and more people requested for the longer clip of James’ response and not the deceptively edited version. “Hey Elena, maybe you should allow for more than 3 words of his answer… Your video edit is dishonest, to say the least… If you didn’t deceptively edit the clip, folks would see James go on to literally outline a plan,” tweeted National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) spokesperson Nathan Brand.
The tweet included a link to a video of John James explaining why we should make the Affordable Care act affordable. He talks about expanding risk pools, allowing biz association plans, and reforming the regulatory hurdles that raise costs.
Others were also blasted by the NRSC for spreading misinformation in the form of a clearly edited video. Shouldn’t this fit Twitter’s labeling of manipulated media? But hey, the left can’t argue on policy and fact, so they just lie over and over again. If they ever get caught, they just move on to the next piece of news and pretend that the previous one never existed.
It’s a vicious fake news cycle for fellow Republicans and it’ll get worse over the next two weeks as we move closer to Election Day. They’ll be pulling out every trick in the book to push their political agenda for a Biden-Harris win. Or should I say a Harris-Biden win?