In March 2019, I suggested that American Jews should be expelled from the Democratic Party. This party no longer represents Jewish values and no longer supports Israel. It is also controlled by anti-Semitic leftist extremists. It looks like this is finally happening, although it has been slower than we expected.
This optimistic shift is evident in a recent poll taken after the midterms. Three-quarters of Jews voted Republican during the primaries. This is an increase from 30% in 2020, and 24% in 2016. This new voting bloc demonstrates two things. It shows that Jews are beginning to see the political realities of politics and are letting go their indoctrinated belief, that Democrats are the “Jewish Party”. The rise is nothing to do or have to do with Donald Trump’s pro-Israel positions.
Sam Markstein, Republican Jewish Coalition, said it well: “Republican Candidates are offering concrete solutions for the issues that matter to Jewish Voters.” American Jews tend to vote for candidates who support freedom, individual responsibility and kindness and are pro-Israel. Although the Democratic Party has abandoned these values over time, it was difficult for many Jews to leave the party.
Our upbringing is a part of us all. Many Jewish adults today are the result of their parents’ or grandparents’ falsely attributed the Holocaust end and the creation of the State of Israel to Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman. It seemed almost impossible to free Jews from the Democratic stranglehold after so many Jews converted from their religion to secular leftist politics in the past few decades.
However, this is changing.
Jews are beginning to realize that Nancy Pelosi’s appearance on Rolling Stone’s cover next to vocal antisemites such as Ilhan Omar or Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is a problem. They are beginning to see the reality of a Democratic Party which voted against anti-BDS legislation in unison. Data shows that American Jews are starting to realize that voting for Rashid Tlaib’s party, which calls for Israel’s destruction, is a vote for self-destruction.
Although some “Jewish” organizations such as the ADL have lost all their identity and are no longer relevant, there are other organizations trying to awaken Jewish voters.
In 1985, the Republican Jewish Coalition was founded. It has since become an influential force in reaching the goal of informing American Jews in an honest manner about the political landscape. Two of my congregants, Bruce Karasik (founder) and Mitch Silberman (founder), have quickly made the Jewish Republican Alliance a national force as a home and source for politically conservative Jews. Although President Trump had tweeted about Jexodus, the organization never gained traction for several reasons. JEXIT, however, was founded in the past few years and has been able to rise to a position where it can have an influence on the national dialogue.
We must never forget Morton Klein and Liz Berney’s meaningful work. They have been fighting for American Jews’ political awakening since 1897. They have carried the torch to educate American Jews politically for more than 100 years.
Many American Jews are beginning to wake up, as evidenced by the data from the past eight years, especially these last elections. This is evident from the recent rise in Jews voting for Republicans during elections where Trump was not on their ballot. It is not because of Trump, but because this small minority group is now beginning to realize that any Jew voting in the Democratic Party is just like a chicken voting in the name of Colonel Sanders.
For all my non-Jewish political conservative friends, I have this message: Don’t lose sight of your Jewish brothers or sisters. We have a nearly 4000-year history as a nation. Although we move slowly, we are passionate and committed. You don’t have to talk to your Jewish friends about President Trump’s actions. Instead, remind them of their authentic Jewish values and the need to support Israel. Also, point out the anti-Semitic actions and leaders of the Democratic Party.
Maybe we can then get more than 40% of American Jews to vote for conservatives in the next election.