Liberals, What Do You Want?

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham has announced her role change in the West Wing to become First Lady Melania Trump’s Chief of Staff. The mainstream media journalists, of course, are now tied up in knots about whether or not they want formal press briefings. 

The first lady’s Chief of Staff, Lindsay Reynolds, resigned this week to spend more time with her family. Grisham plans to transition in Melania’s office as soon as her replacement Kayleigh McEnamy becomes adjusted to her role. McmEnamy previously served for the Trump Campaign as national press secretary. 

“I continue to be honored to serve both the President and first lady in the administration. My replacements will be announced in the coming days and I will stay in the West Wing to help with a smooth transition for as long as needed,” Grisham said.

Grisham responded to some pieces in the New York Times in January questioning “what is it that you do” since she abolished the daily press briefings the White House press corp came to yearn for. She argued between Trump’s tweets, press conferences, and constant pool sprays, that the American people and the press are hearing directly from the President. 

“I think that people are just hyper focused on potentially three times a week, 20 minutes a day press briefing when I think the way we’re doing it is actually better and I think the American people and the media are being served a lot better,” she said in a Fox News interview.

Journalists and media outlets like Vox, CNN, and The Washington Post are once again criticizing Graham’s lack of briefings and minimal interactions with the press since her departure from the communications role.

These same news outlets, who complained about not enough press briefings under Graham, are now the same ones who routinely criticize President Donald Trump for his constant coronavirus task force briefings. 

CNN axed Trump’s briefings from the network until it fit the network’s narrative, Washington Post called for an end to his daily coronavirus briefings and called the information “self-aggrandizing”, “media bashing”, and “exaggeration and outright lies.” Of course…here comes the Left. 

Now if Grisham had hosted regular press briefings, she would be mocked and criticized like former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was. But she’s being blasted because she didn’t. So which way do the Liberals want it? Press briefings or no press briefings? Broadcast journalists feel a sense of loss when they are unable to grandstand at daily briefings and simultaneously declare Trump’s briefings as a dangerous spread of misinformation. 

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.