JD Vance Uses Ironic Facts to Crush Walz’s Bizarre ‘Yale’ Attack

The Democratic attack on JDVance for being “weird”, is a truly bizarre thing.

Vance is an American Dream. He was born in poverty and difficult circumstances, but he rose to success through his hard work and talent. He served his country and went to Yale.

It’s hard to criticize him. The Democrats, desperate for votes, have attempted to portray the American Dream as “weird”, while at their convention they are promoting free vasectomies. That’s not “weird.”

Tim Walz, on the other hand, is the Howard Dean in the flesh, spreading lies about his military records, his rank, and even IVF. It’s not just weird, it’s disqualifying due to how fake he is.

Walz, in his DNC remarks Wednesday night, made another bizarre and false attempt to attack Vance because he attended Yale. Walz was trying to make Vance sound “elite” by attacking him for going to Yale. He said he was from a small town and that none of his classmates went to Yale.

What a bizarre move by the party of the elites to attack the Ivy League, especially when they bring in Oprah Winfrey, Hollywood stars, and other celebrities. He forgot or overlooked all the Democrats who were on the DNC bill that night, including some who attended Yale and the Ivy League. Bill Clinton was one of them.

On the previous nights, we had Barack Obama who attended Harvard and Columbia, and Gina Raimondo, Commerce Secretary, and Hillary Clinton who both went on to Yale Law School.

Van Jones, a Yale graduate, also agreed that this was a ridiculous attack.

JD Vance, himself, just finished this stupidity by pointing out Walz’s sad behavior.

They have nothing to offer Americans but hate, division, and attacks.