The report sheds light on the negotiations between Hunter Biden’s legal team and DOJ. Judge Maryellen Noreika questioned the plea agreement in late July.
When the judge asked if there were precedents for offering immunity to Hunter Biden the situation quickly descended into chaos. Many questions were raised, including the reason why the president’s child was given diversionary treatments before his trial.
Many people argued that the diversion agreement was being used to grant an unjustified level of immunity.
Politico has now revealed the most shocking revelations. Hunter Biden and the DOJ had been in contact with each other secretly. Joe Biden was threatened to be called as a witness if Weiss charged the gun crime in question.
He then issued a warning. If the Justice Department charges the son of the President, his attorneys will summon him as a witness.
Clark wrote in a 32-page letter that POLITICO reviewed, “President Biden is now unquestionably going to be a fact witness in criminal cases.”
Hunter Biden’s attorneys claim, that if the DOJ charges Hunter Biden with a gun crime (which is the most serious crime for the son of a President in terms of prison sentences), they will force Joe Biden to testify and create a “constitutional crisis”.
Clark’s comment could be taken as a warning or a promise. Joe Biden will testify at the trial due to leaks regarding the investigation.
“It’s clear that the leaks have brought Biden to this case,” said he.
Politico describes the action as a warning or a very zealous demonstration. Hunter Biden’s legal team warned the DOJ that if they didn’t stop the gun charge, the DOJ would face implied wrath from the president.
They said that if the Justice Department brought a case, it would damage its reputation.
They claimed a trial for the sons could lead to political and constitutional turmoil by pitting Justice Department against President.
Clark wrote: “This case, more than any other, does not justify the spectacle that a President in office testifies at a criminal trial nor the potential constitutional crisis which could ensue.”
Was this a consideration when Weiss decided? It’s hard not to think so, given that Hunter Biden’s lawyers made it the focal point of their negotiations.
Does Weiss still feel the same pressure in his new position as special counsel, now that he is overseeing the investigation? It is for this reason that someone from outside the DOJ was chosen to lead the effort. Hunter Biden abused his father’s power to influence the investigation of and prosecution of the alleged crimes. That is scandalous.