Things got out of control when President Biden, first lady Jill Biden, and children spoke with NORAD officials and NORAD staff who were tracking Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.
Jared, a dad from Oregon who identified himself as Jared, closed the call with his family to the Bidens and said “Let’s go Brandon,” which was a slur against the president.
This phrase was made popular by fans who chanted “F— Joe Biden” at NASCAR races. The reporter interviewing Brandon Brown on-air seemed to believe that the crowd was singing “let’s Go Brandon”.
It is now used to mock Biden and the media because they don’t understand those who oppose him, and as an euphemism of that more vulgar chant.
Biden replied, “Let’s get Brandon, I agree.” Jared was not at home when the president asked. Biden stated, “I think that we lost him.”