Social Justice hate-mongers on the internet recently went crazy over a pregnant physician’s assistance in stealing an e-bike from a young urban boy.
Rashad Richey of The Young Turks, the main antagonist in the show, posted the woman’s full name, her workplace, and a direct call for her dismissal. In his segment entitled “Karen Weaponizes white tears To Hijack Black Man’s E-Bike,” he even called out the CEO of the hospital to fire her.
NYC Health + Hospitals, being the cowardly organization it is – suspended an employee without even bothering to investigate the case. After all, white people who are targeted by online racialized trolls don’t deserve due process.
The race-baiter’s problem is that it was all a hoax. Sarah Comrie’s attorney provided receipts that proved she purchased the bike.
She’s now suing anyone who has defamed her.
Via Mediaite:
The lawyer for the pregnant nurse who was seen in a video fighting over a Citi Bike, before breaking into tears, plans to sue every organization that called her a Karen, racist, and a thief.
Marino said that Sarah Comrie, an assistant physician, had “just finished a 12-hour work shift at Bellevue Hospital” and was trying to get home. “She went to an empty bike that no one touched, where no one rode. She paid for it, mounted the bike, and then drove off. She pulled back from the docking station and around that time, these people claimed that it was their bike. The rest of the footage begins when someone pushed the bicycle back into the docking stations while she was riding it.
Richey’s original defamatory videos were quietly removed from the archives just a few weeks after it was uploaded — unfortunately for Comrie after the damage has been done.
Richey, presumably on the advice of his lawyers, recently posted an “apology” video in order to clarify his defamatory remarks. It’s quite a gem.
Richey has become much more circumspect since the original video.
Note the use of passive phrases: “The original report was taken down …” Rashad Richey removed the video because it is evidence of his defamation.
The guilty, and their attorneys, always use the passive to minimize their own guilt in a criminal act.
Richey says: “I want to let everyone know that I advocated in bad faith.”
Oh, it was definitely bad faith. Comrie will have her day in the courtroom to prove it. Richey will not be denied his right to justice by a lawyer’s “apology”, written to minimize Richey’s guilt.
Richey appears to have learned nothing from the race-baiting he has done. After all, his business model is racial agitation. Since he slandered Comrie, Richey has continued to post salacious videos that are out of context and allegedly show white racists.