The Federal Emergency Management Agency has supplied Texas with 60 generators to support critical sites like hospitals and water facilities, 729,000 liters of water, more than 10,000 wool blankets, 50,000 cotton blankets, and 225,000 meals. Biden Administration officials also noted that they are also getting ready to supply diesel fuel to power facilities. So much for green energy-saving the day.
Radical left media platforms continue to downplay the failure wind power has in Texas’s catastrophic power outage, but when they need to save the day they turn to fossil fuels. Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom also moved back to more fossil fuels after heat waves that hit California last summer. The state suspended emissions rules and leaned on diesel emergency generators to keep people from baking. They also increased diesel generations for backup generation after the power was cut during heavy winds, leaving millions of Californians without power for days.
President Biden spoke with governors about approving disaster declarations and sending more diesel-fueled generators to Oklahoma and Louisiana, states affected by the winter storm. He also spoke with Gov. Greg Abbott about declaring a major disaster declaration for the ongoing Winter crisis in Texas.
“Jill and I are keeping Texas, Oklahoma, and other impacted states in our prayers. I’ve declared states of emergency, authorized FEMA to provide generators and supplies, and am ready to fulfill additional requests. Please heed the instructions of local officials and stay safe,” he tweeted.
Critics have gone after the state’s reliance on wind power in such an oil-rich state. Officials have noted nearly $19 billion have been invested into the state’s use of renewables like wind or solar – when oil was the answer.
The Wall Street Journal even published an article that pointed out the irony in liberals blaming gas plants for all of their problems. “This is ironic since they seem to be acknowledging that fossil fuels are necessary, though they still want to banish them,” they wrote.
The article pointed out how the government’s anti-fossil fuel moves have made it likely that people will burn less-clean-burning oil for heating fuel instead of clean natural gas. They referenced the Empire State, where Gov. Cuomo put limited shipments on natural gas and has forced the state to burn more oil.
“Climate activists want to replace gas in homes and buildings with electric heating and stoves, but Texas is showing the problems with this policy. If the power goes out, people don’t have heat or hot water. Electric batteries aren’t a solution because they can’t provide backup power for entire homes including appliances,” the article reads.
The Democratic Party has politicized disaster relief so much that when disaster actually strikes, they’ve forgotten what really works.