While most people have pushed against the teaching of Critical Race Theory in schools, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t understand why. She shared on CNN with Don Lemon that race should be taught in schools and that teachers must become “fluent in how to dismantle racism” and the dynamics of racism in a classroom. What happened to just teaching math and science within the classroom walls?
Parents have argued that Critical Race Theory holds the ideology that the country is inherently racist and that skin color is used to maintain social, political, and economic inequalities between races. It holds White people in the role of oppressors and all people of color to that of victims. But left-leaning AOC holds a different view.
“Children do not feel guilt about racism when they learn early on what racism is. In fact, children learn to recognize it and can engage in corrective behavior early. Republicans are using these words like critical race theory, which, again, is a law school curriculum that is not even taught in schools, and their argument is, ‘Well, some teachers may be exposed to it,’” AOC said.
She even tried to suggest that White children learn to develop racist tendencies from infancy and that they “gravitate towards members of their own race” when they’re disproportionately exposed to just one race in their life. AOC tried to emphasize that she wasn’t saying “babies are racist’ but that they gravitate towards communities and people they’re already inclined to.
AOC pointed out that debates against CRT are about “attacking the core roots of history” in this country. It’s hard to believe that she could link being “anti racist” to how history is taught but the radical left tries to play race into everything.
AOC went on to claim that not teaching CRT philosophies was equivalent to the way it was in 1925 when everyone was “with a waving flag” and slavery was not mentioned. She said people didn’t mention much about American history and thought “everything is just fine and hunky-dory.”
But a recent Rasmussen poll even points out that 78% of voters found it is “somewhat important” to teach the traditional values of Western civilization, with 3/4th of minority voters agreeing. Most people don’t want CRT taught in the classrooms and feel that children can recognize and engage in correct behavior early on. Some said this was a political “indoctrination” to feel one race inherently bad and the other inherently trapped.
Another poll by the Convention of States Action and the Trafalgar Group asked parents what they would do if their school started teaching Critical Race Theory. 40% of Republicans, 20% of Democrats, and 22% unidentified voters said they would take their children out of the school. These numbers would radically impact the amount the school receives in funding.
Even though the numbers are against CRT, CNN’s Lemon still agreed with everything AOC said and told his audience that anyone opposed to teaching CRT was because it “makes White kids feel bad.” It’s hard to believe this was said on a cable news network and by a professional reporter, but you never can tell when it comes to the Democrat Party.