Embarrassment for Iran’s Navy: Flagship ‘Loses Balance’ and Sinks in Port

Operation Praying Mantis was launched in April 1988 as a one-day attack against Iran. The U.S. launched Operation Praying Mantis in April 1988 as a one-day war against Iran. The crew of the Roberts worked hard to keep the ship from sinking, despite the keel being broken.

Ronald Reagan ordered the response on April 18, 1988. Iran lost five ships by the end of that day. A frigate, a gunboat, and three speedboats went to the bottom. Two oil platforms and one other Iranian frigate were destroyed. The platforms were destroyed, and the SEAL operation that was planned to capture them had to be called off. The U.S. Navy’s largest naval engagement since World War II.

The Iranian navy has a poor track record. Although the Islamic Republic boasts about its capabilities, it has not been involved in a major war. Iran’s best chance to keep its navy from sinking is through unmanned drones and their proxies such as the Houthis. Iran’s ships can sink without an enemy. Three Iranian vessels have sunk in the last few years due to accidents.

In January 2018, a destroyer called the Damavand, (apparently Iran names their destroyers after mountains), struck a breakwater on the Caspian Sea. It then rolled to the starboard and sank. The Damavand was launched in 2015.

Another Iranian warship, the Kharg, caught fire in June 2021 and sank 20 hours later to the bottom of the Gulf of Oman.

The Sahand, Iran’s “most advanced” warship (named after a mountain, yes), was docked for “repairs” on Monday. Someone left a ship door open, and the Sahand slowly filled up with seawater and began to roll. The Sahand lost balance and rolled into port, sinking in the silty muck.


Sahand is/was the pride and joy of the Iranian Navy. The Sahand took six years to construct and 20 minutes to sink. Iran claims that the Sahand is a symbol of Iran’s capability to build its warships. She was designed to intimidate Iran’s enemies with advanced ship-to-ship, ship-to-air, and ship-to-shore weapons. Sahand should be ready to go once Iran has re-positioned her, closed the doors, and pumped out the water. Sahand is back to intimidate America and Iran’s Gulf neighbors, showing off Iran’s might. As long as someone does not open the door again.

Iran may be building or planning to build submarines that can travel on the sea. This could be Iran’s very first attempt at submarine building.