Rand Paul is one of the rare politicians willing to speak the truth no matter what it might do to his political career. And whether or not people agree with Rand on all issues, you can certainly respect a person willing to speak up and out against corruption.
A few weeks ago, Sen. Rand Paul received a suspicious package at his house, filled with white powder and bearing an image threatening violence. On the outside of the envelope was a photoshopped picture of Paul, injured and bruised, and a threatening message that said he “would finish” what his neighbor” started. This was in reference to a 2017 incident when Paul was badly assaulted by his neighbor Rene Boucher while doing yard work.
And now, Paul has opened up about the numerous death threats his family has received for being so “outspoken” over the last few months in his criticism of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading medical advisor throughout the coronavirus pandemic. He has constantly questioned Fauci’s role throughout the pandemic and his support of wearing masks and dismissing the theory that COVID-19 was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. He also questioned Fauci’s involvement with using taxpayer funds for “gain of function” research.
Paul said he’s had five death threats phoned into his house this week alone just for being so outspoken on it. He said he doesn’t know what the world’s coming to and that in the end, he may have proved that Dr. Fauci was not being honest with us.
Paul also wrote a statement on May 24. regarding the death threats. “I take these threats immensely seriously. I have been targeted multiple times now, it is reprehensible that Twitter allows C-list celebrities to advocate for violence against me and my family. This must stop. Just this weekend Richard Marx called for violence against me and now we receive this despicable powder-filled letter,” he stated.
On a recent segment of MSNBC, host Rachel Maddow spoke with Dr. Fauci regarding the allegations, which he practically called a bunch of “nonsense.” He even jumped back again and suggested that COVID-19’s “most likely origin” is from an animal species.
“My job was to make a vaccine and use my institute and these talented scientists that we have there and that we fund in the various universities to get a vaccine that was highly safe and highly effective. We succeeded. All the other stuff is just a terrible, not happy type of distraction. But it’s all nonsense,” Dr. Fauci said.
It’s all about control and greed to the radical left, especially in regards to the medical community. Sen. Paul points that out and Dr. Fauci goes back to playing politics. As the highest-paid employee in the government, Dr. Fauci will try to cover up, stall, and backtrack as long as he can – anything to follow the money.